About us

who we are

We enable businesses with bespoke analytics experience.

Every day, businesses generate tons of data, however, what is the point of having a voluminous amount of data if you cannot make sense of it?

At Datamine Analytics, we analyze and mine business data to identify patterns and correlations needed for better business performance and growth. We build bespoke and custom data platforms for statistical analytics and modelling.

Datamine Analytics also consults and trains organizations and individuals to use our statistical and analytical tools, allowing for business continuity and resilience after we have deployed our analytics platform.

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Years of Data Experience
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Industries Covered
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Profesional Expert
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Our vision

To enable businesses with bespoke analytics experience.


To provide usable insights into raw data, helping businesses make informed decisions.


Datamine Analytics was founded in 2015 and our journey has been characterized by a continuous commitment to empowering organizations across multiple industries to leverage the potential of data-driven insights and innovations. We have been offering data training solutions that give data professionals and enthusiasts the knowledge and skills required for success in this ever-changing data field.

meet our expert team

Meet the brilliant minds behind our data driven solutions


Chief Executive Officer

Joseph Fayese is a Lead Data Scientist with over 10 years of experience in building bespoke applications and mining data in different business contexts. He worked with AC Nielsen as their Advanced Analytics consultant, representing the Nigeria and Ghana offices, where he was responsible for Analytics and Sales Force Activation.    

He also headed the Business Analytics  Division for  Multichoice in  Nigeria, where he developed  Business  Intelligence solutions and Predictive Models.

He currently manages the end-to-end Research and Analytics of the Insight & Analytics division of MTN Enterprise Business which uses research methods and analytics to drive new business opportunities for the business 

Joseph is highly skilled at analyzing data with a variety of tools and identifying insights that help businesses deploy resources more efficiently, identify growth opportunities in their target markets, and aid business executives in decision-making.

Joseph holds a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, and he is a certified Data Science developer and Analytics Professional.

Chief Executive Officer

Datamine Analytics

We are a team of seasoned data professionals; helping you make sense of your business data. We offer data training and consultation services for businesses Make more intelligent business decisions with accurate data analysis.

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