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Let us help you make sense of your business data

If you have any more questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us on or call 07037146671. We’re here to support your learning journey at Datamine Analytics.

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Frequently asked questions

The prerequisites vary depending on the specific training track:

For our Business Analytics with Excel Bootcamp: Basic Excel proficiency is beneficial. However, our facilitators are equipped to take you from a zero level to a hero level, so fret not.
For Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamps: Proficiency in programming languages like Python and a basic understanding of data concepts are beneficial.

Yes, we understand some participants need financial assistance, that’s why we allow payment to be made in instalments. We also have early bird discounts and group registration discounts available. Therefore, indicate your interest NOW to utilize our discounts.

This varies, however our current trainings are physical and during the weekends. This allows full participation and hands on support from facilitators, without no technical hassles or internet disruptions.

The duration varies:

Business Analytics using Excel, Data Engineering with Python and Power BI Training spans for a month

Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamps spans for 3 months

Yes, our training programs include hands-on assignments and real-world projects to reinforce learning and practical application of skills.

We offer job placement assistance and career opportunities based on availability. Our career support includes resume revamping, interview preparation, and job search guidance.

Yes, we provide certificates of completion that recognize your achievement in our training programs.

Stay connected with us on our website and social media channels for updates on upcoming training programs, webinars, and events. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates.

Quick answers to questions you may have

If you have any more questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us on or call 07037146671. We’re here to support your learning journey at Datamine Analytics.

Datamine Analytics

We are a team of seasoned data professionals; helping you make sense of your business data. We offer data training and consultation services for businesses Make more intelligent business decisions with accurate data analysis.

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